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Diskusná téma Himalaje - Everest trek - september 2009


Uff, po tom posie nakladacky je tam ten zaver, rasty.
nakladacka je nepripustna. Ale pred tou polvetou je aj "It is easy to point the finger at the commercialisation of Everest and blame the big guiding companies. But really the problem is not the companies themselves but us as a whole. The commercialisation of Everest is a fact of life- but it is not the fault of the companies themselves that their clients don't respect the Sherpas. We can all learn their names and take time to talk to them-"…/7815849…
v predchadajucom linku n a diskusii na svts je aj link na guglpreklad : nie, nema to zmysel, IMHO treba prekusat originaly..


uff, to je zvlastna prihoda. ja osobne neviem, aky postoj mam k tomu zaujat, ci len ti sherpovia su na vine. vyrok Griffitha: the finger of blame lies on every one of us that have been on that mountain and treated the Sherpas as 'sherpas' and not an equals.


bikemartin, potom sa uz budem bat aj vystupit z TEZžy...


chlopi, prečítajte knihu M. Kodas - Zločiny na vrcholech. Na Evereste sa dejú veci už dávno...


U.Steck : Velkým traumatem pro něj je, že v davu, který ho chtěl zabít byli i ti, se kterými na Everest před rokem vystoupil a považoval je za přátele....…
Griffith : As a final comment. A very influential character (sorry no names right now) has asked the Ministry of Tourism to have written on every permit that climbers are not allowed to climb before the fixing team. If this happens it means the only way you can climb Everest is by climbing in a nice big track and on fixed lines with tons of people. It also means that any teams who want to climb something (in alpine style) apart from the Normal Route will not be able to acclimatise in advance before their ascent. It is insane, but it shows the attitude towards this mountain.…/item.php?id=…

hm, nosit medvedi spray v meste za pasom , to vyzera dobre ! pls ak ho nahodou pouzijes, mozes mi pls nechat prazdny obal ? Na odstrasenie to nemusi byt zle, okrem toho je lahsi ako plny -)
Dalibor Belluš

Ta to ja neznam keľo jakych Fázof budze. Ale sme sa s komošom zhodli že paprikový spray na medvede čo sme si kúpili bude možno väčšia pravdepodobnosť použiť na debila v meste ako na maca v hore. Alebo na šerpov v Himalájach? Alebo na rómov v raji?


Dalibor, 2.faza bude utoky pocas treku ? :-(

(Letanovsky mlyn ako pilotna faza ...)

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