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Diskusná téma Himalaje - Everest trek - september 2009


".....alpinists from the Ukraine, China, Russia and Pakistan, but for obvious reasons at present the situation is not entirely clear"
docerta, zle spravy, domicil tych z UA je nejasny,
vraj Slovaci Anton Dobeš a Peter Šperka sú v poriadku ( viď…/shownews…


V diskusii pribudlo, že aj oni sú mŕtvi.
Ach do čerta, s Tonom sme boli v jednom klube a liezli sme spolu, tak teraz dúfam, že prídu lepšie správy...

06/23/2013 Message from Alexandra Dzik 18:10 p.m. (polish time): members of the International Nanga Parbat Expedition 2013 are already in the base camp. Unfortunately, confirmed the information that he was murdered one of the members of the expedition Ernest Marksaitis from Lithuania and other expeditions: two people from Slovakia, three from Ukraine, three from China, one from Nepal and Pakistan. Ukrainians will be evacuated today. We in the morning.



SRo: MZV nema oficialne potvrdenie, takze nadej ste zije


:( veľmi smutné ...kam to však speje tento skur... svet :(


Uprimnu sustrast vsetkym pozostalym. Som zhrozena, ze sa ti militantni debili takto vyvrsia na ludoch, ktori prisli ich krajinu obdivovat :(

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