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Diskusná téma Topic CarpathianEXPLORER expedition 2010

Diskusná téma Topic CarpathianEXPLORER expedition 2010

BIG RESPECT. I definitelly support your journey and trully exiting opportunity to come closer to (speaking on behalf of slovakians) recognise the natural and cultural beauty of Slovakians part of CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS. I live near to LOW C.M. north of capital and hiked it all across in diameter of 100km -it"s very sceneric if you are patient to explore. In my opinion this part is a bit underestimated comparing to that part you will enter according your plan map. I say Yes for this project. Good luck people.

Seb Kosmala

Thanks for your words of support. It is always good to know that people think that what we"re trying to do is worthwhile.
As part of this project we are interested in getting as many people involved at different levels as possible. We are particularly in need of people to work with us in putting together various information packs that will form an important part of the website and also be used in the educational presentations.
If you, or anyone that you know, might be interested in helping with this we would be very grateful.

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