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Diskusná téma camping with my tent

Diskusná téma camping with my tent

Hello! I’m Andreea from Romania and I plan to hike in Tatras with a friend(in July). We want to walk, admire everything, relax and forget society “rules”. I firstly thought I can just go there and camp in woods(of course without making fire), being used to do that in Romanian mountains; but it seems is forbidden? Can please someone help me with this concern? Is it or isn’t it possible to camp in wildness?

Thank you very much!


there is only 1 place in High Tatras "in wildness" in Bielovodska dolina, but only for mountaineers. ((are you members OeAV - for example )
In Low Tatras : 7 places
( Predné sedlo pod Kráľovou hoľou, Adrejcová , sedlo Priehyba, Ramža , Čertovica Ďurková v Hiadeľské sedlo )


If you are really keen to visit High Tatras, try sleeping at local chalets/refuges/mountain hotels. They are abundant there and quite cheap. However, it is sometimes advisable to call them upfront regarding availability of free space, especially during high season or weekends.


jediný kemp na území Tanapu bol v Bielovodskej doline - či to platí nadalej, to možno upresnia iní

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