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Diskusná téma Belianske Tatry info

Diskusná téma Belianske Tatry info

Hi, Could you give me some information about which are the open hiking routes in Belianske Tatry? (These are the last informations on the next homepage? ) Thank is advance, Kata


What's new is that the former one-way tourist path through the Monková dolina (Monková Valley) is actually available in both directions.

There is also possibility to continue from Kopske sedlo (Kopske Saddle) to Javorina (village):…/monkova_dolina_ko…


.....small correction: "and route to Chata Plesnivec (chalet) from Tatranska Kotlina " .....


try the "Turisticka mapa" feature on this page, you can found here all hiking routes...unfortunately, belianske tatry are closed for hikers in the major part because of the nature protection. there are only 2 interesting routes: Kopske sedlo(boundary with high tatras)-Siroke sedlo-Monkova dolina(valley)-Zdiar(village), and route to chata plesnivec(chalet) from Tatranska Koliba or Kezmarske Zlaby.

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