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Diskusná téma Chata Erika

Diskusná téma Chata Erika

we are planning to make a two day hiking trip to the Kosicky area. We will hike from Stoss-Kupele to Chata Erika and the next day further to Kosice. We are following the E8 hiking trail.

I can not find any information about the Chata Erika. Is it opened in the beginning of October (Saturday night)? Can you sleep there? Have a meal?

Any information is greatly appreciated (in English or German). Thanks!


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Svatopluk k článku: Kolkáreň Drienčany Dobrá správa pre putujúcich týmto zabudnutým krajom. V Drienčanoch sú drevené sochy, možno od rovnakého autora ako Jánošík na Klenovskom Vepri.

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