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Diskusná téma Ľadovec vo Vysokých Tatrách


Medená kotlina :

Bogdan Gądek, Andrzej Kotyrba: Contemporary and fossil metamorphic ice in Medena kotlina (Slovak Tatras), mapped by ground-penetrating radar.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 7, 2007, 1, 4 Figs., 1 Tab., 40 Refs.

This paper shows results of detailed ground-penetrating radar surveys at 500 MHz of glacieret in the Medena kotlina – the largest in the Tatras patch of metamorphic ice. The recorded radar image showed the substratum and the internal structure of the glacieret together with its hydrothermal features. It revealed also the occurrence of fossil metamorphic ice that is a glacial trace of former climate and simultaneously it is a form of contemporary permafrost. The penetration range of the performed survey reached 25 m.

ešte Kozia d.
"Non of the studied profiles showed the resistance typical for glacier ice, .."
Piotr Lamparski, Stanisław Kędzia: Permafrost occurrence in Kozia Dolinka (High Tatra Mountains) in light of ground penetrating radar investigations.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 7, 2007,1, 5 Figs., 1 Tab., 13 Refs.

Martin knor

Ano, aj som chcel napisat, ze mal byt kdesi nedaleko Brncalovej chaty. Dobre som si to zapamatal. Mysleli sme teda na to iste. Informacia je vsak pomerne stara, bolo by dobre vediet cosi novsie.

Inak, tento rok som sa na jeden ladovec (presnejsie ladovcek) v Alpach pozeral zhora. A po jednom som chodil, ale ten bol o volaco dalej.

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