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Diskusná téma Trekking in Low Tatras in April2012

Diskusná téma Trekking in Low Tatras in April2012

Hello, I am planning to trek from Telgart to Donovaly along the main ridge in the beginning of April. 1) Would I be able to trek through the main ridge in 5 days given the late winter conditions? 2) How difficult will the terrain be at that time? I will bring my ice axe and crampons. 3) Will the risk of avalanche be relatively low since it is at the end of ski season? 4) What is the temperature range around that time? 5) Will there be other hikers doing this route at that time of the year? I hope to meet and join up with someone there. 5) I hope to stay at the Andrejcova, Ramza, and Durkova shelters, as well as the Chata M.R. Stefanika chalet. Will those be open at the time? Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.


I can be easy if there is no snow but it can also become a nightmare otherwise. In case of snow and ice stay away from sharp ridges while keeping to the winter paths (marked by wooden poles). You are likely to use skis, snowshoes and maybe even crampons for steeper parts. At times it becomes very difficult to follow the right path so watch for marks on the trees, get yourself good map and/or GPS and be prepared for emergency bivac. It would be wise to expect temperatures well below zero and strong winds especially early in the morning or in the evening. There are almost always hikers going one way or other. Shelters and chalets are open all year round. Stay safe and Have fun.


5 days is ok but you will need skis or snowshoes and hiking poles. Crampons and ice axe is not necessary. Avalanche on the ridge are unlikely, but it is not excluded in the descent into the valley. Watch the weather ( and avalanche situation ( - only slovak language. Keep away from drifting snow because you can fall into the valley on north side of ridge and you can tear off an avalanche. I recommend commercial insurance because the mountainous rescue services is charged.

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