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Diskusná téma E8: Bratislava - Dukliansky Priesmyk - . . .

Diskusná téma E8: Bratislava - Dukliansky Priesmyk - . . .

Since 2005 I am visiting beautifull Slovakia every year to continue my E8 hike (Cesta Hrdinov SNP). It looks like that this year I will make it to the Polish border at the Dukliansky Priesmyk. But how does the trail continue?

I have detailed maps of South-East Poland (scale 1:50 000 to 1:100 000) where some hiking trails are drawn but they are not named. As far as I am aware the E8 is supposed to go east/south-east from the Dukla Pass, into the Bieszczadzki National Park, to the village of Ustrzyki Gorne (?). But how does it continue from the Dukla Pass: to the village of Barwinek, or further north to the city of Dukla? And than? Are there signs that show the way? Any information is greatly appreciated!


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