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Diskusná téma Hiking: Košice - Telgart

Diskusná téma Hiking: Košice - Telgart


In summmer I want to hiking from Košice to Telgart. Last year I hiked from Kremnice to Telgart. One gay on the path told me that track from Telgart to Košice was not possible because trees on the path. Is track good now? Thank you for your answer.

Best regards Janez Cernilec


Janez, seems like your information is old. There were problems after May 2014 wind storm. But if you check this article you get the actual standing:…/lesy_padali_aj_v_…

Prepílené = with saw blazed through
Spriechodnený = barriers removed

Košice - Telgárt should be OK when used red marked trail.


Hi Janez, I'll ask your question on Slovak on other thread, maybe somebody can answer but can't speak English. If there will be response I will copy it here.


Are you sure it was a gay? Was not it just guy? :-D

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