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Diskusná téma Hiking in High and Low Tatras for taking

Diskusná téma Hiking in High and Low Tatras for taking

I have a plan of hiking in High Tatras this summer. I guess many hiking trails in High Tatras. I like especially trails which we go through nice fields of Alpine flowers. I will stay in High Tatras for two weeks and try to take several hiking trails. Could you suggest several trails for Alpine flowers, by pointing the start and end place of the trail? I am a foreigner and have no knowledge of High Tatras. So I have simply a plan of staying a hotel at Vysoké Tatry (the name of a town?) . However, there might be better places (towns) than Vysoké Tatry for such hiking. Could you suggest places (town) where I should stay for hiking, considering I have no car? Then, I will look for the hotel at the suggested town.

In addition, I have a plan of taking hikings in Low Tatras for a few days. Are there any nice fields of Alpine flowers in Low Tatras? If so, tell me the best town for staying for hiking.

Also tell me the best time of Alpine flowers for High and Low Tatras.

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