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Diskusná téma Thank you, PaliT

Diskusná téma Thank you, PaliT

PaliT, Thank you for your advice. I have checked them on a map. I cannot image how to get to “Chata M. R. Štefánika, Kamenná chata (Chopok), útulňa Ďurková.” Can I get to the places by a public bus? I have no car.


You've got it right except the last part.

Last feasible bus leaves Čertovica 13:40 to Hybe (bus # 701505 2) with connection to Liptovský Mikuláš.

There is also one at 18:00 but goes via Banská Bystrica which is a long detour.

Catching 13:40 bus is easy because chata M.R. Štefánika – Čertovica is only 2 1/2 hours hike, plenty of time after breakfast. (Add some time for reserve).


Thank you again, PaliT

I understand I can go there by bus and cable car (and, of course, on foot).
I also understand the last bus is pm 2:30 and is relatively early for a day-hiking finishing.


But that happens only when they like to smell the violets from underground. These flowers-lowers are really strange. :-)


...and sometime also lying in a black plastic sack :-)


Yes, I was just joking. People usually use the public helicopter to get out from the mountains, not to get there :-D .


Hey, Tac, you said in the original thread that you want to go hiking, which means to use own feet.

This mean you could go by bus to Jasna and use cable car to Chopok. From there you could go to chata M.R. Šefánika with detour via Ďumbier in less than 3 hours. You can stay overnight there and then next day you need 2:30 to go to Čertovica (bus stop).

In fact you could do the same route in a day without spending night on chalet. However doing the trip in 2 days it gives you really plenty time to study flowers, etc. It is very scenic mountain ridge worth to go.


Cable car from Jasna to Chopok is a cheaper alternative to the helicopter :-)


There is no road, so neither a car, nor a bus. You must use a public helicopter. :-)

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