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Diskusná téma Rules of visit CHKO

Diskusná téma Rules of visit CHKO

Hello, hiking community! I'm from Uzhorod (Ukraine) and I plan to visit CHKO Vihorlat in April-May. I know about strict rules in National Parks of Slovakia. But i don't know anything about CHKO's. I just read on Wikipedia that mountain Vihorlat is inaccessible to tourists. Are there any other restrictions i should know? Aspecially I'm interested in rules of camping with tent. Is it allowed? Or maybe there are some special places for it? Thanks for the help.


CHKO is not a big deal in general but in case of Vihorlat there is a military training range which is more of a concern.

I wouldn’t worry to sleep in a tent in CHKO at all, just make sure you don’t leave any trash behind.

Martin knor

Well, check the borders of military area (vojensky obvod Valaskovce) on the map:
It is bounded by gray dashed lines. A friend of mine was tenting inside this area and in the morning there came some tanks and lories with soldiers and he was escorted outside in a completely different direction than he intended to go. It was not a good experience. Even crossing the military area can be dangerous outside the footpaths and roads, since you can hit left munition.

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