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Diskusná téma 3-5 day hike recommendation

Diskusná téma 3-5 day hike recommendation


We are a couple wanting to have a nice hut to hut hike in the Tatras. We are open whether it's the lower or the higher tatra, the only thing we would like to avoid are the super famous classic treks. Do you have any suggestions for 3-5 day hike in pretty areas ? Do we need to call huts and reserve places in advance for the beginning of August?

Thank you!!

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Martin knor k článku: Nočný lejak Tak to je teda ozaj luxusna utulna. Tiez zvacsa chodim sam, ale nevyhybam sa spolocnosti. Tento pribeh mi pripomenul jednu noc stravenu v bivaku pod Montazom. D …

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