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Diskusná téma Looking for a travel company

Diskusná téma Looking for a travel company

Hi all!)

I came from Ukraine and live in Bratislava. It would great to find a company for traveling to the mountains. I have a car, and some experience of traveling in the mountains and speleology.

And another question, is it allowed to visit non-tourist caves with speleological equipment in Slovakia?


In the case of the caves it is best to contact some speleologist group (I have some contact from my ex-university mates who are going to caves often). And do you like skitour as well, or just trekking? Також я значною мірою розумію українську мову или если вы из востока страны, тогдa проще на языке, который нас заставляли учить в школе, и на котором все таки еще умеем поговорить. Конечно это не имеет никакую связь с вашими весточными соседями, котопые на вас напали а просто: любой язык - это средство коммуникации между нормальными людьми, у которых похожие интересы.
So, if still interested, feel free to contact me, I live some 90km from Bratislava, on you way to majority of Slovak mountains.
My email efendi.hc (at)

Vladimír Prutkay

Hi, im registrated caver, if your want to visit some cave send me your e-mail. We could manage it, you are welcome.


As far as I know, speleology is allowed to members of speleo associations only. If you are a member of such association in Ukraine, it might be OK. However I don't know what kind of further regulations are in place. Maybe you should try to contact Slovenská speleologicka spoločnosť (Slovak speleo association).

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