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Diskusná téma English Forum

Diskusná téma English Forum

I see first Slovak server with English Forum and am very happy.


There are plenty of them but it is questionable whether they are worth joining. Generally speaking only few young people join them and you might get into trouble with communication in English. Besides, you can join their activities without being a member or plan your own trip (invite people) using this website. Here is the link to the official calendar of hiking trips organized by the local hiking clubs in the Western Slovakia…/kal2010…



Are there any good hiking clubs in Bratislava? I would like to join one and practice my Slovak!

Many thanks

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Martin knor k článku: Okolím kúpeľov Nimnica I. Vacsinu tychto tras som siel pocas dvoch dlhsich vandroviek. Ale bolo to uz davno. Inac, tie dve trasy sa Ti zlepili dohromady. Treba ich naklikat osobitne a na …

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