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Diskusná téma All 1,900km of the carpathians

Diskusná téma All 1,900km of the carpathians

Next year I will be setting out to walk the entire length of the Carpathians from the Czech Republic, following the Polish-Slovakian border, crossing Ukraine and through Romania....


Great project !
I can put you in contact with a 50 years old woman, Martine Bédoc, who almost completed it in 2007.
You also might find it useful :

You must know that you cannot cross from Poland to Ukraine via the mountains, you"ll need to make a little loop to the nearest road toll in Kroscienko (near Ustrziki Dolne). From Romania to Ukraine there is only one possibility in the city of Sighet/Solotvino, but not far from the ridge of Carpathians, in the Maramures region.


Or you can become a teacher. That also solves the problem with three weeks vacation. ;-) At least it works for me. :-)


yeees, that"s the option:) So - feel free to ask anything needed and don"t forget to refer about your project here, it is really very interesting to me!

Sebastian kosmala

Thanks for the pointers guys....
Like I said earlier we"re putting together a website that you might find interesting so you"ll be able to follow our progress with this project....
.....and who knows maybe we"ll cross paths next year.
in the meantime you could do what my friend in Romania did. He gave up his job at the beginning of the summer, went to the mountains and will be looking for another job in October.......solves the 3 week problem!


Guys, I have got the same problem: money are not problem at all, but time ... To hike all Carpathians is my dream and will do it, but probably only as a retired person .. :-)


MatusM, I understand:-).
If there could be money earning from hiking activity, that would be great...
and no need to sit in the office.


Good luck, Sebastian.

Regarding maps:
Basicly, there are 2 local publishers of hiking maps on slovak market: VKU and ShoCart. I"m used to VKU maps, but for your purpose (you plan to hike large area) ShoCart maps would be better (because of 1:100000 measure - you will not need so many maps as with measure 1:50000).

Here"s a link for ShoCart maps with their coverage:…/select.php?edice…

Each map costs about 2-3 Euro and you"ll need at least 6 to hike Slovakia from west to east.

Bacaardi: I need to win a Lotto in order to leave my job. Lack of money is not the main pain point, just 3 weeks of in a year is the weird problem :)

Sebastian kosmala

If I could I would sponsor it is I will probably have to sell most of what I own to do this.
Still there is always a chance for people to join stages of the trip.....

Part of this project is to try and raise peoples awareness of the Carpathians and the need to protect them......with a little luck and some hard work we"ll be putting the website we"ve been working on up this week.


well try SHOcart maps, i am fully satisfied with VKu maps in relation to Slovak area, but i am not sure if this will be ok with other countries.

Sebastian kosmala…/index.php?option…

Above is a link to the map that the initial route was based on......looks like I"ll be walking a little further than I had first planned.
I have been emailing VKU Harmanec but have not received a great response.
Can anyone recommend where to purchase good quality hiking maps from?


matusm - maybe sebastian will donor you as a sponsor:-)))). would not it be great?


(just type your reply to the red-framed box on the right side of the topic thread)


Sebastian, Carpathians geologically begin in Austria (south of Bratislava) and end in Serbia (very small piece south of the Romanian Danube Iron Gate). Though usually (mainly from hiking point of view) they are considered from Devin near Bratislava (Slovakia) to the Iron Gate in Romania... not many people are known to walk it at once ... and what is your question?

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