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Diskusná téma Rozsutec

Diskusná téma Rozsutec

Hello !

I am french, I live in Poland and then go often to mountains (preferably the slovak ones !) Despite I can understand some words, my slovak is not so good, so I will inaugurate this category in this website :)

I went in 2006 to Mala Fatra and loved the area. Before going I found this map: Having a look on it more recently, I noticed the trail "poludnové skaly" which is not shown on actual maps. I loved the Rozsutec area and I would love to try this one, but maybe it"s closed... could you tell me more ? And is it true, as i might have understood on other forums, that Rozsutec itself might be closed as well ?

Thanks, Eric


"poludnove skaly" are closed and for a good reason as far I know... there is no reason why this forum should encourage people to go there or to give them a tips how to get there.


Can anybody told me where was the start point of that path thru Poludnove skaly?Thx.


Bonsoir, Ruperta11,
Poludnove skaly is a rocky ridge situated north-west of Velky Rozsutec mountain in Mala Fatra. Formerly a tourist path lead through the ridge, but nowadays it is closed :(.
You can use it, if you like :)


Bon soir, Eric et toutes hommes,

where are poludnove skaly? Sounds as in fairy tale and I will use this name in my fairy tale I will write.


thanks for all these informations... pity for poludnove skaly... :(


Yes, Rozsutec is closed every year during this period.
I personally strongly doubt that there is any way of legal entry to Poludnove skaly. As far as I know, there is no such except to the Nature Preserve Act like in High Tatras, where mountaineers are allowed to move outside marked trails.


will Rozsutec be closed in this period every year ? is Poludnove Skaly possible with a club card, like some offtrails in Tatras ? I found this page :…/index.html do you think he did it illegally ? Nice pictures anyway...


I obtained an information from management of Mala Fatra national park - there is no plan to reopen the trail through "poludnove skaly" in future.


... and the mentioned trail through "poludnove skaly" is completely cancelled... :(


Hi Eric,
Rozsutec is closed due to nature preserve from March 1st until June 15th. Besides this date, the trail up to Rozsutec is open for all hikers.

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