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Diskusná téma June 15th and Schengen

Diskusná téma June 15th and Schengen

Will the Tatras trails be closed till June 15th included, or not included ? Because 15th is a Sunday :( If the closure less strict nearer the date or the opposite ? Are UIAA cardholders also concerned by the 15th June limitation if going oftrails to climb a peak ? (Strbsky Stit to be precise) Since June 15th is the date when schengen will concretely apply to the Tatras trans-border trails, how does it look like ? TPN and TANAP had some disagreements like Kasprov Vrch, which points will remain closed and which will be opened ? Thanks for all these informations ! Eric


Eric, generally you can walk in (Slovak) Tatras National Park only along the marked trail. The same applies for cross border trails - you are not allowed to cross border whereever but only where trail cross the border.
I would expect UIAA cardholders are allowed to walk off-trail if they are apparently approaching/leaving the climb.
Trails (above huts) are open from June 16. They are still closed on June 15.

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